Tunnel from near Camden or Picton to the junction of the Wollondilly &
Coxs Rivers (in the Burragorang Valley), thence up the Coxs River valley to Hartley. There
must have been some very ambitious tunnelers in the colony! Up the Grose River gorge,
then tunnel under Darling Causeway to Hartley Vale. A lot of time, expense & effort
was expended on surveying this route. Top marks for scenery.
From Richmond via Bells ridge to Lithgow.
More Recent Proposals
Along Warragamba & Coxs Rivers, south up Scotts Main Range, then west to Oberon.
Promoted as an alternative to duplicating the existing line.
Up the Grose River then Govetts Gorge, tunnel through to the Kanimbla Valley, & on
to Lithgow. Promoted as an alternative to duplicating the existing line.
Up the Grose to Govetts Gorge; where mining, timber & tourist industries were
allegedly set to explode. Private enterprise proposal.
From Richmond up Bells Ridge, avoiding the rugged country around Mt Tomah by tunnelling
under it.