Blue Mountains Commuters and Transport Users Association

Meeting Reports

May 23, 2009 meeting in Katoomba

President Ed McKenzie—Chair

Report by Secretary on the Valley Heights meeting and the Station Staff Review that is been carried out by CityRail Operations The members added the following issues.

  • Tourism,
  • Health and Safety,
  • Reliability of Ticket Machines,
  • Access to toilets, Rest Rooms
The Association is working with Phil Koperberg and Karyn Paluzanno on this issue


The members have requested the Secretary write to Blue Mountains Tourism suggesting creating Ambassadors for the Mountains to greet the Visitors to the Mountains on Leura and Katoomba Stations.


The members raised the issue on announcements on the trains there appears lack of consistency and intelligible announcements also the volume is erratic as well

Alarm Button

There is a sign in the Intercity Cars that Alerts Crew via the Alarm Button. Well the only one is in the lower deck but alongside the Signage is a Button but it is covered up. The question why a sign have and cover it up? This is important as there are social behaviour issues occurring and the ladies want a sense of security.

CCTV Monitoring

The Members wanted to know what is the staff level of the position that monitors the CCTV ?

The members also are interested in the number of incidents that occur on the Blue Mountains .

Special Events

The Members requested that CityRail ensure the Upgrading Programme does not Interrupt Special Events on the Mountains especially the Magic Festival.

Bullaburra Station

The Members requested the secretary inquire about the Vacant Land and the title to that land that is opposite the railway station in Bullaburra Action Secretary

Mt Victoria Station

Debra Smith, Secretary Mt Victoria Community Association, requested that Secretary ensure that Mt Vic Station is considered in the review by the Association with Phil Koperberg in the effort to ensure the station staff on the Mountains are maintained.

Refurbishment of V sets was raised again also questions on the OSCAR’s Secretary to Action

General discussion on the Highway Development on Mt Vic – Lithgow

Association waiting on the Western Transport Needs Study Report major concern with passenger and freight services

Bullaburra Station

The Executive has been meeting at Bullaburra Station on the removal of trees. Also there has been a letter received on other issues regarding the lack of shelter on the Eastern End of the Platform and also there is the issue of the condition of the pedestrian access that has deterioration

Financial Report

Income April Bank Statement $140.96
Donations and Membership Fees $30.00
May Bank Statement $170.96
Expenses Postage for Meeting Notices on 27 /1/09 $11.00
Postage for Meeting Notices on 11/2/09 $11.00
Postage for Meeting Notices on 13/5/09 $11.00
Stationery as per receipts $ 9.85
Total $42.85
Summary Cash at Bank $170.96
Expenses ($42.85)
Balance $128.11
The members agreed the amount of $42.85 be paid to secretary for expenses.

The Secretary informed the members that a cheque for $24.00 was due for payment to the Katoomba Neighbourhood Centre for the use of the Hall in February and May

Secretary to action payment

Meeting closed at 3.00 P.M

Paul Trevaskis Hon Sect.