- Howlett, May
Full-length novel, "Islands", published on the Internet.
- Merrell,
Richard Well known to local newspaper readers for his provocative letters. Poet &
- Aaronson,
Michael "Mr Graffiti". Anti-graffiti info &
resources, by well known local activist.
- Bayes, Anne Marion's
HomePage General information about: The Blue Mountains, New South Wales, and Sydney -
and Australiana.
A section for Machine Knitters - with free patterns and help.
- Organ, Laurie:
Twentieth Century Locomotive Drivers Of Lithgow.
Recording locomotive drivers names who operated from the Locomotive
Lithgow, during the 20th Century, along with the type of locomotives
they drove and lots of other loco & Lithgow history etc.
- Sutton, Chris: Of
Immigrant Stock. Follows the social history of Australia through the First
Families of immigrants 1840 - 1958. Edmund Collins was one of a party of 5 men who were
the first to leave Campbelltown and walk across the Blue Mountains to the goldfields at
- Turton, Marg Native
- Wilkins,
Don An Australian's Australia. Don takes some great photos.
Rock Related
Photography, Painting etc
- Hudson,
Steve Amateur photographer displaying digital pictures
taken at various locations within the Blue Mountains.
- Krawczyk,
Adam Many
photographs that include the Blue Mountains.

Falls, Lawson.
Photograph by the late Harry Phillips, Blue Mountains photographer.
Courtesy Blue
Mountains City Library - Local Studies Collection