Blue Mountains Commuters and Transport Users Association
May 2007 meetings
- Wed 16 May 2007 CityRail Office, Green Pde, Valley Heights 8pm-10pm
- Sat 19 May 2007 Katoomba Neighbourhood Centre, 8 Station St, Katoomba 1pm-3pm
Timetable Issues
The Association has the following Issues that we will be addressing.
- Restoration of the 1.32 A.M Central to Springwood.
- Restoration of the 3.45 A.M Springwood to Central.
- Increase the number of cars on the 4.23 P.M. Central to Mt.Vic.
The Association will be seeking the provision of two fast services in the P.M Peak Period to stop at Strathfield, Parramatta then Lapstone. We are nominating the 4.23 and 5.24 pm Services
Refurbishment of Intercity Cars ( V sets)
RailCorp has the intention to upgrade the Intercity Cars. We will be insisting that the upgrade includes Air Conditioning. Public Address Systems are part of the Upgrade. We understand that Toilets and Door Operation are being upgraded as an ongoing maintenance procedure.
There is an intention to cover the seats with Moquette and replace the carpets with Vinyl Flooring. The Association does not agree with this proposal as the present comfort and ambience will be changed. Please inform he Secretary of your concerns.
T card and Ticket types.
The T card project is seven years behind schedule. This has prevented introduction of ticket types that are available at Emu Plains such as Travel Ten, Day Tripper, EFTPOS, 3 day Pass and other products that would be an advantage to CItyRail customers.
One Aspect of the T card was the necessity of Tagging Off at the End of a journey ,and if not done so a penalty would apply. Overall The T card Contract should be reappraised as it is quite obvious that if there were no problems it would be operational as we speak.
Customer Charter
The Association has been informed that a new Customer Charter is to be presented to the Premier shortly. The Association has indicated to RailCorp that unless the standard that ensures On Time Running is on 24 Hour basis, then any Charter will not be viable.
The Customer arrives at the Station All Information is Real Time for departure. Connections are consistently meet. Arrival at Destination is to time and Information on the trains is clear concise Air Conditioning, Toilets, Door Operation, and Windows etc to standard as agreed.
The Association will be presenting to RailCorp our views after the next meeting.
The Election
The Election did not reveal any surprises really. There is an intention in the Urban Transport Statement provision for the Extra Tracks between Penrith and St Marys (2012) and a lift at Lawson Station. There major developments are the North and South West Sectors with planning for another Rail Crossing under the Harbour.
There was Media Release indicating that the Minister has called for the appointment of Customer Service Business Managers to address problems in RailCorp We wait for details We believe the systemic problems have to be addressed investigate the causes and have corrective mechanisms put in place
Paul Trevaskis Hon.Sect