Blue Mountains Commuters and Transport Users Association

Meeting Reports

May 20, 2009 meeting in Valley Heights

President Ed McKenzie—Chair

The Secretary informed the meeting the recent death of Pat Mungovan who was a loyal member of the Association served as a Returning officer. Over the years Pat was very supportive and contributed in the debate on many issues was also very active in the late seventies and early eighties on the Western Commuter Consultative Committee. He helped in the reforming of the Association in 1983 and attended the meetings up until last the few months. Pat was a Draftsman with what was Clyde Engineering up until his retirement; he was able to assist the Association with technical matters. We extend our condolences to his wife Patricia who did contribute to the Association on Customer services issues and even with Pat’s passing is still raising issues.

The Association does not have life membership but many members have spent a lifetime as members and still do -- it appears that most join for a lifetime.

We have been very fortunate that we have had members who have been very supportive -- without these members my role of Secretary would be very diminished for want of a word.

Financial Report Bank Statement $140.96
Deposits $30.00
Total: $170.96

Station Staff Review

The Members expressed our concern that station staff review was implementing the following:

  • Broken shifts e.g 10.30 A.M till 2.30 P.M time to be confirmed at Blaxland
  • Smaller Stations e.g Warrimoo hours reduced as well The Association has liaised with Phil Koperberg and Karyn Paluzzano on the proposed Station Review and the effect on Customer Service We have submitted to both the concerns of the Community. Both Politicians are presenting to the Minister of Transport a submission for outcome that meet the Community needs.

The members expressed deep concern regarding station operating hours on the stations being very concerned that split shifts and reduction of hours were not in the best interest of the community Reliability of the Ticket Vending Machines, Long line P.A, Help Line, access to Rest Rooms, Toilets, Station Indicators.

The members expressed our appreciation the Friendly Advice, Station cleaning; Garden Care access to toilets, rest rooms, ticketing facilities ( change availability) hospitality, customer service, safety TVM operational, recognition of station staff Action by Sect

Bike Hooks

The Association has requested an increase in the number of hooks on the Intercity Cars due to the increase in the number of cyclists on the intercity services further action required

PPPs Present Situation.

Members have requested what the current delivery programme is for the PPP (Public Private Partnership). Action Sect

Timetable 2009

The Association has not received any replies to our submission to the proposed timetable Action Sect

Refurbishment InterCity (V sets).

There has been no development on the refurbishment of V sets at this stage Action Sect

Distribution of the OSCARs

The Secretary to write and establish the delivery rate and distribution of the new OSCARs. Action Sect

Power distribution of the Network

A member of the Association raised the issue of the power distribution of the network and what restrictions apply to the various types of rolling stock on the network Action Sect

Patronage Statistics on the Mountains

Request for information on Station statistics for the Blue Mountains. Action Sect

Question on Epping – Chatswood Line

The question was raised, what type of rolling stock is able to service this line Action Sect

OSCARs Use of toilets

The question raised. Is the toilet on the OSCAR’s are able top be used on Suburban services similar to the G sets on the present services. Action Sect .

Bus Service Consultation

The bus services are to be reviewed on the Mountains by the Ministry of Transport later this year; more information as it comes to hand.

General Business

Definition of ticket machines being out of order?

  • What if it will not accept legal tender?
  • What if the machine is displaying showing the fare required but is not operational?
  • Why not allow purchase of tickets on the train?
  • Why not allow machines to “Permission to travel “ to allow purchase at the other end

Mixing G sets and T sets on Tangara Outersuburban Services.

  • Mixing sets on these sets leads to perspective passengers huddling in the middle of the Platform at Wynyard and Town Hall to see whether the G set is in the middle or rear of the train with G and Ts and S and Ks.


  • What caused the accident to the 9.07 Mt Vic to Sydney Central between Blaxland and Glenbrook on Thursday 30th April 2009

The Secretary to list all correspondence in the minutes


Paul Trevaskis Hon Sect