Blue Mountains Commuters and Transport Users Association
Minutes of General Meeting on 22nd May at Springwood
Meeting opened Ed McKenzie
Apologies: M Berry
Correspondence V sets
The Association has not had any definitive answers to the Association's questions in the relation to the V sets on the Mountains.
The members confirmed at this meeting that any refurbishment that was being considered should include the provision for luggage, prams, wheel chair, bicycles
As previously indicated by the Area Business Manager the present approach is:
- As the OSCARs are being delivered the Vset cars released will allow the conversion of 6 and 4 car sets used in the peak to be increased to 8 cars. It is noted there has been no decision on the refurbishment process.
- The Association recognisers that the Loading Gauge from Springwood is preventing the Wider Rolling stock used on the Rail System e.g Tangara,OSCARs & Suburban Types to travel past Springwood..
- The Association sees the need in the longer term the need for Newer Intercity Cars
- Whether the OSCARs converted to ensure better comfort with new seating with 2 X 2 seating Easy Access Toilets, Luggage, Prams and Bicycles would be suitable remains open for discussion at this stage
- The issue of air conditioning on the OSCARs may be an issue in the colder areas as the wider doors and no doors to the saloons that prevent air flows direct to the outside, is a major concern thus reducing the efficiency of the air conditioning?
- The Association recognisers the necessity of a different type of train for Lithgow, Katoomba, Mt Victoria and Newcastle. Whether long term planning for the Southern Highlands Electrification is being considered by the Government is unknown at present
- State Plan announced by the NSW Government comprises of
- Better Transport & Liveable Cities $4.5 million for separate dedicated line Penrith to Wynyard and $3.1 billion to purchase train carriages ref page 12
- Metropolitan Strategy Review Express Services to Western Sydney and Blue Mountains Services page 13.
- Metro Plan Connecting City of Cities Indicates length of trains 10 — 12 car length initial 10 cars We note eight new platforms for these cars Page 30 I have expanded this in attached précis
- It is noted signalling stabling facilities easy access has to be considered.
- It is also noted there was a Metro West project developed in 1991
The question the members have What do we do in the mean time as the projected commencement of the Express Services is not for at least 2 years, completion is at least 5 years. So we are presented with a challenge to overcome the present situation.
- The Fish be designated as the a Blue Mountains Service the last stop being Lapstone — Parramatta — Strathfield — Central in the A.M and the return journey being Strathfield — Parramatta — Lapstone in the P.M.
- The members agreed that as there is limited availability of track paths between Granville to Central, the Government should agree to introduce inter-regional service to over come crowding from Olympic Park, Granville or the Cumberland Line to Penrith to provide the extra services
- The Association request the reintroduction of the 1.35 A.M Central to Springwood and the reverse 3.45 A.M Springwood - Central
- The members requested the Secretary write to the Area Business Manager and seek the following information.
- The Association formally requests the ticket sales from Blue Mountains Stations to the following Emu Plains—Penrith—Parramatta and Central—Sydney CBD, in and the A.M and P.M peak periods.
- The Association write to RailCorp and obtains the following information: Has RailCorp ascertained the projected growth of passenger growth on the Blue Mountains services and Penrith Services?
- What Services are planned to cater for the rapid growth in both Mountains and Penrith Services?
- Will Railcorp recognise the different demands that have to be considered for long distance and shorter distance travellers?
Lithgow — Bathurst Services
Members raised the issue of services between Lithgow — Bathurst the need is especially as the University at Bathurst has attendees from Lithgow. The Association to investigate the provision of rail services from Lithgow to Bathurst.
The Association feels that extension of the Overhead to allow extension of the InterCity Services would be an opportunity to develop a decentralisation plan to reduce the pressure on the Sydney Basin.
CCTV Monitoring Services
The association has been is aware that the CCTV Monitoring Service is planned to move from Katoomba to a centralised system in Sydney Members raised the following issues:
- What is standard response time the Monitoring Station has reordered over the years?
- Has RailCorp recorded the type of incidents that have occurred?
- Will these records be kept at Katoomba of removed to Sydney for future usage?
- How many screens are monitored at Katoomba?
- How many screens will be monitored at the Sydney Central Base by each position?
- Will a separate position be devoted for the Blue Mountains Sector?
- Is this another reduction in Customer Service Safety at Risk?
Freight On Rail
The Association is extremely concerned that Freight on Rail has become a major concern especially on the following removal from Rail to Road:
- Shell removing petroleum products to road tanker.
- Cancelling the Patricks Service Dubbo Sydney
- Closure of the Sundown Terminal Containers to Botany
- The coal from Centennial Colliery to Road not rail.
- The Newnes Quarry is a concern as the sand and other products should be on rail (Watch this Issue).
- The Origin and Destination of Freight Data is not available or correlated
The Association to seek Federal Funding of the Maldon—Dombarton Line and expansion of the St.Marys — Penrith tracks from two to four tracks
My Zone Ticketing
Members agreed that introduction of the My Zone ticketing was a cheaper & positive action.
The Secretary writes to Leura Tourist Assoc. re our support for the reintroduction of staffing of Leura Station on the Weekends. Further discussion on the Tourism on the Mountains Secretary to write Blue Mountains Lithgow Oberon Association informing them of our support for tourism on rail.
Wentworth Falls Car Parking
The Association seek the reasons for removing 6 car commuter car park positions from the West side of the Wentworth Falls Station.
BMC&TUA Annual General Meeting Location
The members discussed the location of the annual General Meeting as the Executive is of the opinion there should be a combined meeting of the Katoomba and Springwood for the AGM of the Association. Location suggested Lawson.
Membership of Association
The Members discussed the various ways of increasing the membership and means of widening our influence in the community already we have our website but there may be other possibilities Face book, Twitters, Blogs, Station Visits to Chamber of Commerce, and other Groups. The Association is to Our Future increase youth and the spread of age groups. There is the availability of halls and locations
By the secretary to be considered at the AGM President- Vice presidents or Liaison Officers from each area Treasurer to be Membership Officer to ensure Applications for membership are confirmed etc A. Member to manage Website and other IT approaches I have placed this in the minutes for discussion as the Association I believe has to have a new approach to enable the continuation of the Association if that is the members wish I feel we must move into a new era
Our Future, A New approach, New Membership, Transport Users all ages. Affiliations with other groups, where do we meet? How often? What halls are available? Insurance requirements? Coverage Rail Bus Ferry Taxi
Emu Plains Stabling Yard.
We were informed of the construction of a new Stabling Yard at Emu Plains to accommodate 8 to 12 car consists this is in-conjunction with the proposed Western Sydney Express and extra platform is to be built at Penrith
A financial statement was tabled at the meeting and confirmed by members see attached statement
Commuter Car Parking
The Secretary initiates correspondence Commuter Car Parking Blaxland, Warrimoo and Glenbrook
The Association to formulate policies for the forthcoming Elections: By-Election for Penrith Federal and State Election 2010-2011
Penrith By-Election
The main issues at Glenbrook is station staffing at Glenbrook Station, Glenbrook Commuter Car Park extension and the Black Spot on the Highway at Hare Street Glenbrook Area
Affiliated Associations
- Commuter Council and the associated Committees Inner-Metropolitan, Rail Strategy.
- Lachlan Regional Transport Committee.
- Western Sydney Transport Users Assoc.
- Sydney Alliance.
- Blue Mountains Transport Alliance.
- Blue Mountains Integrated Transport Forum.
Paul Trevaskis Hon. Sect