Blue Mountains Commuters and Transport Users Association
Outer suburban carriages and services —July 2006
This information comes from a presentation made by Barry Lovatt General Manager Capital Works RailCorp 4 July 2006 to the Outer Suburban Association where secretary Paul Trevaskis represented Blue Mountains commuters.
V sets

The V sets are the double deck cars introduced between 1970 and 1987 which provide most of the electric intercity services between Lithgow in the west, Newcastle in the north and Kiama in the south. See the CityRail website for more information
- Four cars have been fitted with new low flush toilets using 1/3 of water and 3 cars have had Retention Tanks replaced. Toilet Programme is ongoing.
- A further 12 cars are in the process of renewal
- Maintenance Procedures at Flemington on new toilets have been implemented to ensure reliable operation
External Doors
- Programme commenced to overhaul outer doors on 12 cars
- RailCorp is trialling door mechanisms to improve reliability
- Doors will be interlocked to avoid egress when not safe to leave the train
Water Ingress windows and ducts
- The question of water ingress from air conditioning ducts and other ducts from pantograph well is being addressed to by the provision of larger ducts etc.
- Rubber seals on windows to be replaced when required
Internal Doors
- Unreliable power operated doors on the last 14 cars (with numbers starting DFM and DKT) manufactured by Comeng was raised. RailCorp is investigating whether to restore power operation or revert to manual doors on these cars
- Railcorp is investigating Internal Doors or other cars as the hinges are in need of maintenance
Saloon Fitments
- Should the Door Hook should be removed? Generally agreed that the hook should remain
- Luggage space in saloons: suggestion made that a fold down seat be placed in the single seat areas to enable this space to be used for luggage
Floor Covering
- Carpet or Vinyl? Commuter representatives prefer carpet on these trains as there are occasions for children and youth to sit on the floor. a suggestion for vinyl on passage ways the appeared to be extra expense in having two types of flooring. The fitment of vinyl for vestibule was agreed to as per Tangara and Millennium cars Carpet deadens noise warmer to touch on walls
Interconnection between cars
- The Forum agreed that interconnection between cars should be maintained especially the five driving trailers that have been modified
Seating Refurbishment
Two options are under consideration: vinyl and moquette covers.
- Advantages of vinyl:
- easy to wipe clean
- acceptable to commuters
- permanent marking from graffiti is a problem
- Advantages of moquette
- colourful
- improves the ambience of the car
- graffiti has less impact if it does occur
- slip on covers can be used (advantages for replacement)
- cleaning processes are available
- seats are less susceptible to graffiti
Moquette seating in Millennium cars has been accepted by the community and the car is bright and pleasing
Paul Trevaskis requested that perhaps a sample seat in moquette would be an advantage. He also indicated we would ask the lady members of the Association their preference
A question of CCTV on V set cars some consideration was being given to this.
Cars in service
There are 215 Comeng built V set cars in the fleet; 15 cars are withdrawn because of corrosion problems and a number of cars out of service for maintenance and refurbishment

OSCAR is an acronym for Outer Suburban CARs, currently underconstruction at Broadmeadow (a Newcastle suburb). On the Blue Mountains they will be used for services as far west as Springwood. See the CityRail website (H Set–OSCARs) for more information
Delivery timetable
- 120 OSC's are on order to be delivered by 2008 with 2 spare driving trailers. The original 80 cars have been extended by 40 cars i.e 5 more 8 car sets 4 and ½ more sets for traffic
- Training of Crewing and Train Testing currently taking place
- The first set will be available by October
- The first 80 cars to be in service by December 2007 final delivery of 40 cars by 2008
Initial use
- OSCARs will be introduced on South Coast services to enable smooth introduction into service training of all train staff etc and less interruption to all services when introduced
- T sets (fixed seat Tangaras) will be replaced in the first instance and then the G sets (outer suburban Tangaras)
OSCARs in the Blue Mountains
- OSCARS will replace the three Tangara services to the Mountains after introduction on South Coast and Central Coast services
- OSCARs cannot run west of Springwood because of restricted loading gauge
Note: The Blue Mountains Commuters would like to see the T sets on Springwood services replaced with G sets as they are released from other areas
Blue Mountains services update
We are unlikely to see additional OSCAR services since there is little growth in rail patronage
Current pressure on Mountains Services is from commuters travelling from the Penrith–Emu Plains. Particular problems exist with afternoon 4 car services such as:
- 16:23 from Central
- 18:10 from Central
where passengers sometimes sit on the steps
A possible option is to extend some suburban services to Springwood. This may allow the 03:45 service from Springwood to Sydney to be restored.