Blue Mountains Commuters and Transport Users Association
RailCorp responses to BMCTUA queries—October 2006

Outer suburban carriages and services
- What is happening to the OSCARs. Various press releases by the politicians are putting great hopes on their delivery. Has a date been decided? How many cars are being delivered and at what rate?
- RailCorp:
- The first OSC may enter service in'November, subject to satisfactory conclusion of testing, acceptance, etc and approval from ITSRR.' However this could change depending on any of the above factors.' The initial services will be on the South Coast .

Refurbishing Intercity cars (V sets)
- On the question of refurbishment, has any decision been made on the question of the type of flooring and seating?
- RailCorp:
- There are proposals for a refurbishment of the V-sets, but no approved program. Currently we are developing the suggested scope of work to seek approval/funding for the project. Subject to the recommended scope of work, a procurement strategy will have to be determined. Considering the current status, it is unlikely that tenders would be called until late 2007.
- In relation to the shortage of cars we read in the MX newspaper that the first stage of the replacement toilet programme has been completed and the next stage of 10 new toilets are being installed at present. Association members have asked:
1. What is the toilet replacement programme?
2. How many cars are withdrawn from service to replace the toilets?
3. Is this project separate from the full refurbishment project? - RailCorp:
- The V-set toilet modification program is under way, with one four-car set out of service for conversion at any one time. The program involves the replacement of V-set toilets with Microphor low-flush toilets, which will significantly improve the toilet environment. Around one third of toilets have been completed to date, with completion planned for around August 2007. It is not part of any full refurbishment project.
- Today the minister announced the door lock system.Will this project be separate from refurbishment project?
- RailCorp:
- Yes
- If all these project appear to be funded would it be prudent to carry out all modifications at same time?
- RailCorp:
- RailCorp is undertaking or planning to undertake a number of modification programs. Where a number of modifications can be performed at the same time this will be considered, but many factors have to be evaluated, including the amount of time each job takes, how many cars can be spared out of service at any one time, the capability and capacity of the industry to undertake the work simultaneously and in the same location and supply all of the components when required. In many cases it is not possible to perform all modifications at the same time.
Cars withdrawn from service
- Members have requested information on the 15 cars withdrawn from service recently. Has RailCorp finished the investigation of the cars? If complete how many cars can be put back into service?
- Railcorp:
- I'm advised that a decision on the 15 cars withdrawn from service has not been finalised.
Additional capacity on 4.23pm service to Mt Victoria
- The members are concerned about the 4.23pm service from Sydney to Mt Victoria receiving two extra cars. The local member Bob Debus indicated on a press release that this would be done when the cars are available.
- Railcorp:
- In relation to the 4.23pm service, RailCorp is currently looking at the feasibility of adding two additional carriages once the OSCARS enter service. I understand that a decision will be made on that service in early 2007.