Blue Mountains Commuters and Transport Users Association
Transport policy plans
If you wish to spend hours on the computer looking at the various websites of the various Government Sites to obtain an overview of the Government Plans for Public Transport I have listed the websites for your pleasure. It is very confusing; since there is no combined document it is rather daunting. I have included the transport policy of the Labor Government. When the leader of the Opposition releases the Liberal Transport Policy I will add this to our Website. "Here goes"
NSW Government Department of Planning
- Metropolitan Strategy City of Cities Plan for Sydney 's Future.
Transport Infrastructure Development Corporation)
- Interchanges Parramatta and Chatswood
- Epping-Chatswood
- Rail Clearways Program
- North Sydney Station Upgrade.
- Metro Rail Expansion Program North and South West Rail Links and the CBD Rail Link. Also look at Project Sites and Tenders
NSW Government State Plan
- A New Direction for NSW
- Appendix A Capacity & Service Improvements ( See note A.)
- Note there are Links to.
- Urban Transport Statement Encompasses Rail Projects.
- NSW Greenhouse Plan
- State Infrastructure Strategy ( From NSW Treasury)
This is the first election that requires research through websites to establish what the Government's intentions/plans are. Based on the information gleaned from these websites and the particular issues that are applicable to the Mountains we will submit to all the candidates the outcomes for their endorsement and support.
Note: Recent publicity of a fast underground rail system to Penrith is a proposal by the private sector put in the Urban Transport Statement for discussion
Note A. The State Plan does indicate a proposal to install extra tracks between Penrith and St Marys We consider this a most important project.
Best of luck
Paul Trevaskis
P.S If you find another Government Web site please tell me Paul T.