Blue Mountains Commuters and Transport Users Association
BMCTUA Media Release
17 August 2007
The Association has a number of rail issues that are extremely important for the delivery of services to the Blue Mountains Community Currently RailCorp is developing the protocols for the delivery of service the Association is monitoring the development of the following protocols.
- RailCorp is finalising a Customer Charter that sets the standard of operation of rail services The Association has indicated unless the standards apply to the rail system on a 24 hour seven day operation and the standards are able to be meet by the infrastructure E.G Train Maintenance, Track and other Supportive Mechanisms and the RailCorp Board has the reasonability of ensuring the system is able to deliver the standard of service we believe the outcomes will not be achieved.
- RailCorp is carrying out a Cost Benefit Analysis for the Refurbishment of the Intercity cars These cars are between 30 to 20 years old. We are looking at a full refurbishment including Easy Access Upgrade of Management and Information Systems, Renew Carpet Seat Covering, Door Operation Toilets and basic underfloor mechanisms. The Association is monitoring this operation as the outcome will have a bearing on the future rail services. The report should be available Dec.07
- The IPART Inquiry into rail fares is currently under investigation once again any increase in fares cannot be agreed to unless the standard of service is maintained on a 14 hr seven day service not just the peak hour service.
- The Commuters must be aware of the installation taking place on the Blue Mountains Stations of the readers for the promised T card. We are still waiting on information in relation to Cost of T card, What tickets are available on the T card, if the customer does not Tag Off what penalty applies etc.
- RailCorp is at the Design Concept Stage for the extra tracks between Penrith and St Marys plus an Inquiry into the University Station at Werrington the Association is seeking information on these projects. The extra tracks has to deliver a result that reduces delays to our services.
- The Association is monitoring the delivery of the OSC's that should make available Intercity Cars to cater for the increase in patronage on InterCity Services and the effect of Penrith Stopping Patterns.
- I have been informed that were Coaches are used as alternate service to rail and these coaches are Seatbelt equipped the rail passenger is obliged to wear the Seat Belt.
There are two rumours that I have had confirmed that are not correct. The Gardens at Blackheath are not under threat of removal and there is no proposal to withdraw the services between Mt Victoria and Lithgow Services will continue and the Overhead wiring is not being removed.
Federal Election Opportunities.
The Association will seek from the Candidates for the Federal Seat of Macquarie answers and support on the following.
- Will the there be a funding for Road and Rail improvements similar to Roads of Recovery under the Liberal Government Better Cities programme that was used by a previous Labor Government?
- The Association is seeking funds to improve the Commuter Car parking on the Mountains e.g Glenbrook, Katoomba We are reviewing this aspect at present.
- There are improvements required in the Lower Mountains a revisit of the Blaxland Lapstone Section and Access off Highway at Springwood.
- I believe both Political Parties support AusLink under the Federal Government Ministry of Transport We request that Auslink carry a study of the Highway in relation to freight what efficiencies that will be obtained by using either rail or road. The propensity to have B Doubles and or B Triples after the Highway widening is completed is rather daunting.
Note The proposed changes to the car licensing laws for the elderly i.e restricting the Kilometre range that the drivers can drive to 10 km across the State is not well thought threw as many elderly drivers in the State of NSW have to further than 10 km for many reasons: Volunteer and Family duties, Hospital an Social Reason and a most important reason the Public Transport System is not there to service the Community to the extent that is required to satisfy the demand. HACC is not equipped to service the Community anyhow This action needs thinking through.
Paul Trevaskis, Secretary